How To Make The Right Choice Buying High Heels


Don’t want to end up with a pair of stilts? Join the club. The choice between which heel height is most flattering is not easy, and there’s no magic formula that answers the question definitively.

This post will discuss some of the basics of heel height and how they can affect your overall silhouette. We’ll also be looking at general guidelines for choosing heels based on your weight, age, and size.

The shorter your legs are relative to the rest of your body, and the more likely high heels can visually lengthen them. The higher the heels, the more elongation you will see. Therefore, if you’re short (shorter than 5’4), you should wear higher heels to give your legs a long and lean look.

If you have longer legs, there’s no need to wear extra-high heels or stilt-like shoes because this will only add bulk to a leg that doesn’t need it. If anything, try to find shoes with heels lower than 3 inches for a sleek silhouette.

Beyond these basics, once you’ve determined the height you like and understand what it means, the only thing left to decide is whether your heels should be pointed or rounded.

The first consideration is whether your legs need lengthening. While we often think high heels will do the trick, sometimes they can make your legs look shorter. That’s because heels create a more momentary illusion, so we need to consider how high they are and what they’re being paired with. Taking cues from body proportions helps us decide if our legs look proportionate with our bodies or slightly longer than they are.

Sticking to a height that works with your proportions will help you stay on track and avoid unbalanced silhouettes that don’t look quite as flattering or as desired.

So before we move on to choosing the perfect pair of high heels, let’s take a quick look at the different ways high heels can affect body proportions and ensure your goal is to achieve a proportionate, long appearance for your legs.

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